Summer is not yet over. Which means landscaping and lawn care are in full throttle for most of us. But for those of us who are not really pros at such work, a full service Grand Rapids commercial landscaping company like Procare Landscape Management can help. Attempting to learn more about the company, I asked the owner several questions about his company:
What does your  commercial landscaping service entail?
Procare Landscape Management Inc, is a full service maintenance company. Simply speaking, we offer all services in relation to the exterior landscape environment from landscape maintenance, lawn maintenance, pruning, lawn care, Irrigation, shrub beds, trees and snowplowing.

Why choose Procare over a less expensive maintenance service?
Why Procare: We make our clients lives easy in regards to their exterior landscape. They have the communication and convenience of knowing that is it handled the right way the first time and it is done in relation to their company goals. They can work on other important tasks because they know, without a doubt, they don’t have to worry about their landscape or outside property.

Have you been running Procare long?
Procare has been in business for 24 years and I personally have been the General Manager for around 4 years.

What did you do before you started Procare?
Procare is all I have ever really done full time.

What do you think is unique about the Grand Rapids market?
Good people, still conservative in some ways, that care about one another. Once a relationship is built, they tend to stand by you and your company.

Have you made any major changes in your service offerings since starting out?
Yes, as we have grown we have added every possible division so that we can service all of our clients’ needs.

How large is your staff?  What does the background of the people you hire tend to be?
We currently employ 35 people. We look for people of high integrity and talent. We look at their history of displaying that integrity and character throughout their lives. We also want them to be the right fit with our culture; we have many people that have been with us well over 10 years so we have created a culture and want to make sure new hires understand what we stand for. We are also always looking to develop talent and help people discover their talents and leadership ability. Several team members have started out right after school with us and have developed their careers from inside of our company.

Are most of your clients one particular type or another?  What types of client needs would be enhanced by Procare services?
Our clients are diverse from commercial corporate, industrial, to high-end condominium complexes. Potential clients that want the convenience of knowing that the job is handled or could be handled the right way every time could benefit from partnering with Procare. Our standards are high so clients that expect that type of service would benefit greatly from working with us and having the peace of mind they have the top talent working on their property with their best interest in mind.

What landscaping trends are we likely to see in the future?
I think that we will see a greater emphasis on hiring a quality contractor in the future. As the economy improves, people are getting back to being able to work with quality companies and are putting a greater priority on their time and the communication that is delivered to them.

How have you found most of your customers?
A few different ways; our relationships we have with our clients have opened new opportunities for us through them and through referrals. Also we have done a few acquisitions that has brought clients to us and lastly by seeking out through proactive sales process we have set up.

Are you doing any marketing at the moment?
We are currently working with a marketing company that is in the early stages of helping with our brand and getting our message out.

What are your goals for the future?
We hope to continue to grow in the Grand Rapids market with possible expansion in the future to surrounding markets such as Kalamazoo and the lakeshore.