In a movement that is spreading from state to state, a law was just passed in Michigan that states, after January 1, 2014, dentists are required to submit documentations with license renewal of each amalgam waste system in place. What does this mean? States are passing laws, in compliance with EPA regulations, regulating the amount of mercury and amalgam that can be in the waste water that is released from a dentist chair.
Regulations, such as these, require a filtration system for all waste water. A new company in the dental community provides the easy solution for these regulations. Anterior Quest, located in Jenison, MI, has created, and in turn, maintains and services the Hg Containment Series, which filters all dental chair waste. Removing 100% of mercury and amalgam, the Hg Containment Series effectively allows dentists to be in line with current and future EPA and state regulations.

Anterior Quest is a Grand Rapids Small Business that is growing by leaps and bounds. With customers all over Michigan, Indiana, and Wisconsin, AQ offers full services to making sure any water released is 100% safe for our environment. With each filtration system, customers get a support system of a certified wastewater treatment expert, friendly staff who visit monthly to inspect and clean the unit. Once installed, dentists get the peace of mind that not only are they continuing to care for their clients, but also doing their part in taking care of the environment.

Part 2 of this blog will feature some questions and answers from the Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing of Anterior Quest Dave Brandsen that will discuss why Anterior Quest was originally developed, the concerns he had and what we can look for in the future with these new filtration systems.

 Blog post by GRAPE Social Media Contributor Ryan Elwell