A little bit about a plugin I’m testing called NextScripts. But first, let me say that creating a website is relatively easy. Finding the right plugins so it loads quickly, gets attention (seo), looks professional, and is useful takes some time. Really, it simply takes experience. And another step in that experience for me was learning about NextScript’s SNAP – a WordPress plugin that automatically posts blog content to several social media services. So this is my first blog post to use it. And it should post to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Plurk, Delicious, Tumblr, and Twitter (the services I selected to post to, more are available). Eventually I hope to have it post to Google plus as well but that requires a premium configuration feature.
NextScripts requires special numerical ‘keys’ from some of these social media services- which can be somewhat daunting when trying to obtain for the first time. But once achieved, looks quite simple in retrospect. And a plugin like NextScripts is rather important- what is the point of blogging without calling attention to the blog. SEO and keywords will only take you so far.