What if someone offered $1,000,000 to you for altering 3 non-productive habits in 3 months, would you do it?
Each venture to success begins with the purest of good intentions coupled with dynamic concepts. These concepts, many times, contain genuine potential to launch them to the top. Today’s inventory of those who aspire to become wildly successful in their career is never in short supply regardless of endeavor or industry. So why do so few reach the destination that seemed so reachable when it was birthed in their hearts? To answer this, let’s look at a short list of attributes that compare Groundbreakers and Diggers:
The human will is extremely powerful but also pliable and moldable. We can teach ourselves new habits and reteach ourselves to refrain from non-productive habits by choice. To a large degree, we carry the power within ourselves to alter our own destiny by what we train our brains to think, believe and accomplish.
However, like a muscle that never gets stretched, our brains are very similar. It is when we experience discomfort due to pushing ourselves into new levels of achievement that we can obtain the greatest growth.
In my career of building leaders, one of the most prominent obstacles that surface is the inability to get out of their own way. This common human detriment tends to inhibit so many who are more than qualified to expand their careers in a big way. What is not so common is the understanding that the battle often begins in their own minds more so than their circumstances.
It is up to you each day how you will spend your thoughts and activities. Begin today, implanting the three “Groundbreaker” practices listed above into your daily routine with the attitude that there will be a reward at the end of three months. The results will speak for themselves!
Michelle L Steffes, CPLC President, IPV Consulting, Director of Business Development, David Pace Agency
20 Year Leader & Trainer Restoring INTEGRITY – Empowering PEOPLE – Awakening VISION office: 616-805-8059 cell: 616-291-0377 http://ipvconsulting.com
View my profile & connect at www.linkedin/in/michellesteffes/
“You build trust with others each time you choose integrity over image, truth over convenience, or honor over personal gain.” – John Maxwell