In our continuing series interviewing entrepreneurs, we turn to some below-the-radar industries and how entrepreneurs became interested in them. For the past 11 years, Joshua Conran’s company Yello Dumpster has been delivering and retrieving roll-off dumpsters for commercial and residential construction needs.  The Yello Dumpster website is Joshua Conran can be reached at 616-291-0257.

What made you want to be an entrepreneur?

I guess you could say I was born this way.

Why did you choose your business?

Through my extensive interaction with waste haulers in a previous position, I came to see ways in which their industry could be improved.

What prepared you for entrepreneurship?

My willingness to learn from my mistakes. Doing so gave me the tenacity to move forward and not get discouraged.

What was your greatest accomplishment?

Creating the ability for our clients to order dumpsters in a seamless fashion online.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of being an entrepreneur?

While you recognize that mistakes are your responsibility, its rewarding to realize that your successes are also a direct result of your hard work.

What challenges have you faced as an entrepreneur?

The uncertainty of consistent pay is a constant challenge.

Is there anything you wish you’d done differently?

I wish I had started at at a younger age.

How can others get started in this business?

It would be best if they began by buying an existing business within the industry. Doing so is far less complicated than starting from the ground up.

Do you have any advice for any future entrepreneurs?

Listen to the people who have been successful in your industry rather than your peers.  Take advice from people who filed bankruptcy on what not to do. And take advice from people who succeeded on what to do.

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