When I was in school my favorite assignments were reading books and writing book reports. I’m not sure what the big attraction was back then, but today I read to learn about trends, expand my knowledge of technology, educate myself on business culture, and understand interpersonal relationships. Somewhere along the line I might read a book for the sheer pleasure of escaping into another time and laughing over some of the crazy antics of people who live in novels. Roughly once a week I read a book in the business and leadership genre and post a book review on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Google+, and at bizcatalyst360.com. Book reviews are a valuable resource for book shoppers who are looking for a particular type of book and are curious about what the book contains and how the reader felt about it. Book lists are popular and popular books appear on lists. Ever heard of the New York Times Best Sellers List? Of course you have. There are other list though; lists created by readers who want to share opinion on good books that others might want to read too.
This article covers books recommendations: Top Business Books Every Young Professional Must Read