1.     What does your service entail?
–       We are custom homebuilders. We work with clients to find out their needs and wants and work together to build them their dream homes.

2.     Why choose your service instead of a less expensive service?

–       You get what you pay for when it comes to quality. It’s the same reason you’d choose a Lexus over a Taurus – you are paying for the quality of the product. When you work with Falcon you are getting the best products and workmanship you can have.

3.     Have you been running your company for long?

–       We have been in business since January of 2003.

4.     What did you do before you started your company?

–       Both Nate and Dustin worked for large residential builders. We have been in this business for a while and love what we do.

5.     What do you think is unique about the Grand Rapids market? 

–       The competition in Grand Rapids is very high. It forces us to stay on top of our game because if we don’t, there are so many other good builders in the area that will surpass us. The competition motivates us to continue to be constantly improving and doing the best work we can do.

6.     Have you made any major changes in your service offerings since starting out?

–       We’re always learning and always refining the details when it comes to internal and external aspects of the company. This past year, we opened a physical office for the first time since the company was formed. We used to work out of our trucks and meet clients around town to go over contracts and pick out products. We realized the office was a must because it gave clients the opportunity to come in and see how we do things – our office reflects the attention to detail and craftsmanship that we display in all our homes. Clients are also able to see a variety of products that we offer in our showroom.

7.     How large is your staff? What does the background of the people you hire tend to be?

–       The core of Falcon is made up of Nate Abbott and Dustin Carpenter. When it comes to hiring contractors to work with, we work with the best. If we are working with a painter who is doing a really quality job, we ask for their recommendations for flooring or for other aspects of the home. We work with the best because they work with the best. We look for quality contractors who are going to keep our business on top.

8.     Are most of your clients of one particular type or another? What types of clients could be really enhanced by the services of Falcon?

–       Most of our clients are type A personality. They are looking for bold, innovative products and designs. We are always doing something different in relation to what the personality of the client is and what they want. Clients that have a unique personality and want to have the unique new products will really benefit from Falcon. Also, entrepreneurs or CEOs that are knowledgeable as to what is available and exactly how they want their homes.

9.     What trends are we likely to see with Falcon in the future? 

–       Smaller but tricked out. Not as many 8,000-10,000 sq ft. homes but more 4,000-5,000 sq ft. homes. These will have a tremendous amount of home automation and electronic control. They will have a tremendous amount of detail. We’re anticipating clients having the same budgets they do now, but wanting more quality in smaller amounts of space. It will be an elevated quality of home.

10. How have you found most of your clients?

–       We find most of our clients from referrals in the industry; from realtors, architects or sub contractors.

11. Are you doing any marketing at the moment?

–       We are currently doing several kinds of marketing, including print and online advertising

12. What are your goals for the future?

We want to be able to show the general market our prestige and have them realize they are going to get the best home they can get for their money. We want to have those projects be talked about in the market. Not just the big homes that we do, but the smaller ones as well. We want someone to associate the logo and name of “Falcon” with the homes we build.