Photo by alltelleringet (Deviant Art) Photo by alltelleringet (Deviant Art)

Have you ever come across a job posting that makes you stop and say, “what?!”

Today’s post is dedicated to understanding a little more about why there are so many impossible job postings.

Here’s an example:

Progressive employer seeks Harvard-trained neuroscientist and beauty pageant winner. Must be fluent in Mandarin and skilled at tribal basket weaving. Minimum of 10 years experience working for high-tech companies. Salary: mid-30’s.

Sometimes, you can’t help but laugh. But the real question is, why are these even posted?

  1. The employer/hiring manager is inexperienced at hiring. Not everyone is an HR expert.
  2. Employers are willing to wait for the perfect candidate, even if he or she doesn’t exist.
  3. The ad is actually a phantom posting — there isn’t really a position open; it might have already been filled internally.

Click on the link below to read the full article and how to respond how to over-the-top job postings.

Why So Many Job Postings Are So Ridiculous | Forbes