We had the pleasure to walk through the new Covenant House during construction in September. This home is being built to house young adults, 18-24, who experience struggles in their lives beyond their control. Covenant House will supply food, shelter, education, and...
Join GRAPE, GRBE, & BNB for this after hours social! Thursday Sept 20, 5-7p 1420 28th St SW Wyoming · Wyoming, MI Upper level, to the right, just after the entrance Bring your business cards and a guest for this special evening with all 3 groups for open...
GRAPE will be meeting at Uccello’s July 19, 5-7pm 2630 East Beltline SE (across from Woodland Mall) We will see you in the banquet room for open networking, socializing, and cocktails! Click here to register...
GRAPE is hosting an evening social at Big E’s Sports Grill 2325 E Beltline Ave SE, just south of Burton 5-7pm Bring your business cards and a guest! Cash bar, 70 plus TV screens, homemade food, and over eighty taps of your favorite domestic and craft beers....
Connect with GRAPE Wednesday 3/14 5-7pm Frankie V’s 1420 28th St SW https://www.frankievs.com/ BNB (Business Networking and Beers Group) will be joining GRAPE for this networking frenzy! Also, we will be accepting Granola Bars to donate as we continue...