becky puckett-wood

becky puckett-wood

What are your five favorite pointers for career success?
1) Find a mentor, someone you can trust to be honest with you as you progress in your career
2) In all situations have a positive attitude, you always get further thinking the glass is half full versus half empty
3) Have the mindset that your career is a jungle gym. You may move up, take an equal position, step down or back up. Ultimately, you are positioning yourself to be a well-rounded employee
4) It is ok to go with your gut and take risk.
5) Have a good work/life balance

What is the greatest challenge you have had in your career?
Continuing to drive business and sales in an ever changing market, economy and corporate environment.

What do you look forward to with regard to your company’s future?
I look forward to seeing how Experis will outperform our competition by positioning our brand to meet the demands of the market.

Do you have a favorite staffing success story? Why is it your favorite?
Yes! We had an IT consultant who worked 5 years for Experis and I had the privilege of getting to know this person the last 3. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with cancer and needed to go through chemo and radiation treatments. It was amazing to see how our client not only supported this individual by allowing them to work at the facility where treatments were performed and providing flex time; but, also the empathy and compassion that was shown from their leadership and the employees were incredible. More importantly, I was honored to walk alongside the consultant through the ups and downs of life’s journey. I was in awe for his passion for life, getter done attitude, but more importantly the compassion he showed others. He is an amazing person and to this day I call him my hero!  These types of situations puts life in perspective. Bottom line is, people matter!

Who is your inspiration?
Mother Theresa. She walked away from what we would describe as a normal life to help those in need by providing medical, food, and spiritual guidance’s in order for others to have hope. “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies” Mother Theresa

Why the Staffing and Recruiting industry?
The Staffing Industry gives me the opportunity to provide career opportunities for people, which gives them a better life for their families. It is an incredibly rewarding experience to know you assisted in a career advancement or increased someone’s salary and had a positive impact on their career and life. It also allows me to meet and network with many other people in different positions and industries affording me the opportunity for personal development and growth.

What do you think is ignored or overlooked about the Grand Rapids job market?
According to the latest Manpower Employment Outlook Survey, West Michigan could be the hottest place to work. Please review the data by clicking:
I would like to add that the Grand Rapids community is a very relational but welcoming community, full of activity for young professionals and families alike. We are also very entrepreneurial, leading to great philanthropy for the non-profit community.


Note: Please be sure to check out the next GRAPE luncheon event- July 28 at the Bluff Banquet Center. See