In Part I of this series the focus was on how to establish your presence online. It is clear that as technology advances and consumers become more immersed in it, it is even more important for businesses to be represented there. Now that you have determined who your target audience is, the next step will be to determine where they are online.

According to a recent article on Social Times, 46% of web users turn to social media when making buying decisions. To proactively capitalize on this, more and more small-to-medium size businesses (SMB) are incorporating social media into their marketing strategy. The same article reports 3 out of 5 SMB are attributing the acquisition of new customers to their use of social media. Now the question becomes which platform should I focus on. Most people are familiar with the big three: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. A survey conducted in October 2014 provides some keen insights regarding online user demographics. Here is some additional information about each platform to help you determine where to focus.

1)    Facebook-You may be surprised to learn the fastest growing age group on Facebook is the 55 and over range. Depending on the product or service your company offers, this may be advantageous to you. As a whole, Facebook commands usage by 71% of all Internet users and is the most well-rounded when it comes to engagement. 76% of females and 66% of males utilize it. The majority (60% or more) of people ages 18 and over are on it. The decrease comes at the 65-year-old bracket where usage is currently only at 5%.

2)    Twitter-Of the three platforms, Twitter actually represents the smallest percentage of Internet users at only 18%. Due to the 140-character posting limit and speed of Twitter, it can be challenging for people to grasp and unfortunately, messaging can get lost in the sea of tweets. When done correctly, however, Twitter can still have a place in your marketing sphere. The majority of users are between 18 and 49. 18% of females and 17% of males are utilizing it.

3)    LinkedIn-LinkedIn is well-known for its ability to allow professionals to connect and expand their networks. It can also be a useful marketing tool. Interacting on company and group pages can allow you to share your knowledge and expertise. It can also help provide additional exposure for your organization. LinkedIn is being utilized by 22% of Internet users. The majority of those fall within the 30-64 age range. From an income standpoint, 22% of LinkedIn users fall within the $50-74K bracket and 38% earn $75K+ per year.

As you can see, without diving into the countless other social media platforms, these three alone each offer their own access to a unique subset of the market. Taking the time to determine where your ideal client can be found will help save you time and money when launching or expanding your online presence. Every company will have its own needs and should tailor their marketing strategy accordingly.

Be sure to check back for part III of this series. The final piece will highlight cost-effective, user-friendly platforms that can assist with accounting, CRM needs and e-mail marketing campaign management.


Ahmad, Irfan. “#SocialMedia 2014: User Demographics For Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest – #infographic.” Digital Information World. 13 Oct. 2014. Web. 1 Feb. 2015.

Bennett, Shea. “Businesses on Social Media: Statistics & Trends [Infographic].” Social Times. 3 Oct. 2014. Web. 1 Feb. 2015.

About Stingray Advisory Group LLC: Stingray Advisory Group LLC is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. By creating dynamic customized solutions for business growth, we empower businesses and entrepreneurs with the tools to further their development. We assist with strategic planning, marketing, business registration, website development and more. To learn more or schedule a consultation, visit Follow us today on Facebook, LinkedIN, Google+ and Twitter for more helpful tips!

Contact the author, Leandra Williams, through email at