Unlike my previous articles, in this one I offer no advice. Instead, I propose what for some may seem like an impossible idea. Some readers may not even finish this article because, in order to clearly explain the idea, I must include my personal application of spirituality – who I am. But if anything here strikes a positive chord with you, please continue reading.
I propose that, for one week, we all choose to consciously live in service to everyone we encounter, beginning with our world of work. Instead of working for a paycheck, let’s work from our selves.
In his book, “The Concentric Perspective – What’s in it From Me?” Eric Butterworth wrote “… life is not something to get, but something to express. It is knowing that your real business is the express business, no matter what name your vocation may have.”
Whatever the activity we are engaged in at the moment, let’s ask ourselves, “Who am I serving now, and how can I do it better – with excellence?”
With each thought, word and action let’s consider, “What can I do right now that expresses the highest and best within me? (Choose the words you are most comfortable with here.) How can I let God/Spirit/the Universe/All That Is/Higher Power fully express through me – as me – right now?”
Most companies offer opportunities to contribute time and talents to a community activity or organization. While service through these and other day-of-service programs is usually beneficial to everyone involved, they provide only a temporary outlet to express who you are.
There are opportunities for expressing your highest Self everywhere we look in the workplace. You are not just working on a production line; you are serving your coworkers and the customers who buy the products you make. You are not merely working at your desk, meeting with coworkers and talking on the phone with vendors; you are giving something from you – through you – to others.
Let’s be clear about one thing: Like everything else in life, how we approach our work on a minute-to-minute basis is a matter of choice. If you have so far chosen to believe that life happens to you rather than through you, it’s time to think and work differently.
This may require a major shift in thinking at first, and it will not necessarily be easy. However, I guarantee that it will be personally rewarding, and it can be world changing – beginning with you! In fact, that’s the only place it can begin.
Let’s all us put it to the test by committing to thinking, talking, writing and acting differently for one week – a “worldwide week of Self expression” – beginning Sept. 1, 2014. That should give us all enough time to personally test this idea, and share it through social media, by word of mouth, and by example. Hopefully you will be a part of helping it go viral, worldwide.
Why should you commit to this week of thinking and acting differently? I might answer with another question: “Why are you here, if not to express the best within you – through you, from the inside out?” You might say that you are committing to the weeklong test for purely selfish reasons – to experience God.
Do you think it can’t be done? Then choose to think again, and again and again, until it becomes habitual, a consciously chosen way of living.
Of course, I suggest that you not wait until Sept. 1st to begin applying and sharing the idea. Choose to begin now, and prove it works in your own life, and then boldly share the idea. Our thoughts are creative, so start rethinking how you express your Self at work, and let’s change the world – from the inside out.
Dean Leutscher, PMP has also written for GRAPE on the importance of a Change Management plan: “Are the Lights Working at your Change Intersection?” and working more efficiently and effectively: “Vegetarian or not, eat the frog first”